Coloring with Pens

Coloring with Pens

Sometimes, when you’re on the go, you just have a few fine-tip markers or even a single pen with you. What can you do then? Adding texture, such as crosshatching, inside the designs can be a fun alternative to coloring. And again, the same way you can add three-dimensionality with a darker shadow with colored pencils, you can do … Read more

The Mechanics of Coloring

The Mechanics of Coloring

When first starting to color, you may find that your hand hurts because you’re clutching the pencil for dear life! Stop, take a breath, and loosen up.   Hold the pencil with a light grip. Don’t make your fingers do all of the work—let your hand control the movement. Keep your wrist loose so that as you move … Read more

Sharpen Your Pencils


Whether you sharpen your pencils with a handheld or electric sharpener, it is best to use gentle pressure. The harder you jam the pencil into the sharpener, the more likely you are to break the lead.   HANDHELD SHARPENING   If you use a handheld pencil sharpener, hold the pencil either horizontally or verti- cally. Hold the sharpener in your … Read more

Coloring Techniques

Coloring Techniques

Materials  Coloring books   Check out C&T’s full line of coloring books at, includ- ing Off the Bookshelf Coloring Book by Samarra Khaja and Boho Designs Coloring Book by Valori Wells.   Colored pencils   You can stick to one brand or combine brands of colored pen- cils. I like Caran d’Ache and Prismacolor pencils. You need a set of at least twelve colors, but more colors give you more options.    Sharpener   It’s easier to color with pencils sharpened to a long point. You can use a handheld sharpener or an electric sharpener. Unplug and clean the cutting blades and grooves in your electric sharpener every now and then.   Black permanent pens   We like to use black Pigma pens in a variety of sizes to re- trace black lines that have … Read more

How Coloring Fits into Your Life

How Coloring Fits into Your Life

Coloring is an easy-to-master skill that helps you stop worrying and focus on the moment. It helps you to stop thinking about the past, or stressing about the future. Working with color and making something beautiful is a confidence builder.  While coloring is a fulfilling solitary activity, it can also be a wonderful group activ- ity. Search the Internet … Read more